Frequently asked questions |
What is this site all about? |
Quoting from the HOME page: "RETROBASE.NET features the greatest and most complete databases for classic videogames with screenshots and release details that can be found on the Internet. Many individuals spent large amounts of their time to preserve this part of videogame history from being lost forever. We are trying to cover all platforms as accurate as possible." Basically, you could say that it's a kind of videogame museum. |
This is a great site, can I join you? |
Much likely, you can. Requirements are a strong love for classic videogames and some free time on your hands. We're always looking for authors to cover new platforms and update existing ones, where needed. Just send an e-mail to the webmaster and he'll let you know how you can help. Special open positions can be usually found on our home page, too. |
Why can't I download any games? |
Our site is not meant to be a download site. Plus, hosting ROM images would be illegal. Just consider RETROBASE.NET a museum - you are free to look at everything and enjoy it, but you can't steal the paintings. Of course, we could host freeware (PD) ROM's, but there are other sites that do this already and we honestly doubt most people are interested in them anyway. |
Emulator X doesn't work. Can you help? |
No, sorry. RETROBASE.NET is not here to explain people how to run an emulator. We'd suggest you read the documentation that usually comes with the program and try to figure things out yourself. Alternatively, do some research on the Internet. There are sites that might be able to assist you. Good luck. |
I have seen your screenshots elsewhere, how come? |
Unfortunately, theft of pictures, source codes and even whole sites is a common problem on the Internet. All screenshots found at RETROBASE.NET have been done by us. We're aware of at least two lame sites which are using parts of our work, still there's not much we can do about this. Measures to prevent theft in the future have been taken, though. |
Are all your games databases complete? |
No, not really. We'd love to answer this question with 'yes' one day, but there's still much work left to do. However, we can assure you that our games databases are the most complete ones on the Internet so far. Consult the summary page of each platform for details, it will show you how much complete a covered platform is. |
Will you add platform X to your site? |
Provided it's a console and not for sale any longer, we surely will. Don't forget that RETROBASE.NET is just a freetime project, though. Adding a new platform to our site usually requires many hours of work. Don't be disappointed if you don't see some 2000+ games platform added to the site within the near future. |
I've found broken images, links or misspellings. What should I do? |
By all means, please report such things to the webmaster, he'll take care of it. We're constantly improving the site and your support is highly appreciated. Broken images (screenshots) are usually a result of typos within the databases. Links break as sites die or change their URL. |