Sega Game Gear - Summary |
Statistic |
Number of games: |
312 |
Homebrew games: |
No |
Hacked games: |
No |
Unreleased games: |
Yes |
Status |
This section is nearly complete, it only lacks a few newer dumps (mostly those released by SMS Power) not available 1-2 years ago. |
Authors |
Screenshots and database for this platform originally created by:
Chris (Database 'N - S') 
Ken (Screenshots 'H, I, J, K')
Mark (Screenshots 'D, E, F, G')
Mike Haggar (Screenshots 'L, M, N, O' / Database '0-9 - M')
Simone (Screenshots 'T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z' / Database 'T - Z') 
Tech Knight (Screenshots '0-9, A, B, C')
Victor (Screenshots 'P, Q, R, S')
Maintainer |
Updates, additional screenshots and research done by: